Friday, February 24, 2012

Symptoms of asthma come and go is difficult

Chapter 42: Is asthma never turn into emphysema? Asthma does not turn into emphysema. Although asthma and emphysema

share some common properties, including cough, shortness of breath

, chest tightness, difficulty emptying the air

to light, they are different diseases. Emphysema is almost always

associated with smoking, asthma is more closely related to the

allergies. Asthma often begins in childhood, emphysema is a rare

to middle age.aids immune system Symptoms of asthma come and go, shortness of breath

during physical exercise is a constant in emphysema. Persons with

well-controlled asthma can have normal lung capacity violation >> << lung function in emphysema never comes. Smoking damages the lungs in a very specific way in emphysema >>. << This leads to the lungs lose their elasticity and resilience

. When we exhale, we rely on the elasticity

lungs to force air out of our chest. In emphysema, some

This elasticity was destroyed by damage to the walls

air bags, and easy to clean as it slowly forced

we can use our muscles to force air out. With a constant cigarette smoking >> <<, lungs slowly deteriorate. Between

many years, patients may become totally disabled. No medication >> << can restore normal elasticity of the lungs. Asthma is different. In asthma, releasing air from the lungs

can be difficult when the bronchi are narrowed

reduce muscle of the bronchi and allergic swelling

walls of air passages. Medicines for treatment

both these problems. Bronchodilators cause muscle

relax, and anti-inflammatory drugs reduce swelling

pipes. In treatment, bronchi, recovered

their normal size, and air can be cleared from the lungs at a normal rate >>. There are rare exceptions << to this rule. In some >> << persons who suffer from asthma, bronchial inflammation can lead to permanent scarring

, which leads to irreversible narrowing of the tube

. When this happens, clean the lungs slowly, even if the patient

feels good, and his asthma calm. The patient lasix 6 mg >> << may be shortness of breath on exertion every day. Although not emphysema, asthma with permanent scarring

bronchi begins to look very similar to emphysema >>. << We do not know why sometimes some people who suffer from asthma

develop permanent scarring and narrowing of the bronchi

(sometimes referred to as airway reconstruction). Problem

, seems to occur most often in patients with severe disease >> << that was not cleaned for years. Good asthma control

, regular treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs, and

monitor their lung function over time seem

best preventive measures. And, of course, do not smoke cigarettes!


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