Friday, February 24, 2012

Finally, the patient believes that it is very difficult ...

What is COPD? What is emphysema? Main Category: Also in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic disease that makes it difficult for the patient to breathe. It is a progressive disease - then it gets worse over time. Patients with COPD coughs a lot, cough causes a lot of mucus

(some patients may not coughing a lot, see. Click on this below). Patient is likely to wheeze, be short of breath, chest tightness experience, and other symptoms. Most people who suffer from COPD or current regular smokers or people who smoke regularly. Air pollution, chemical fumes and / or dust may also contribute to the development of COPD. However, smoking is the biggest factor. To understand COPD, it is necessary to know how light works. When you inhale air goes down the throat of tubes in the lungs - these tubes called bronchi and airways. Airways look down trees or broccoli, with several branches. At the end of the field of tiny air sacs called alveoli.

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Airways and alveoli flexible (elastic). When you inhale, they are filled with air like a balloon when you breathe, they pump. Airways and alveoli people with COPD do not get as much air as a person who is suffering from COPD. This may be due to one or more of the following reasons (in the U.S. and many other countries including COPD

and chronic obstructive walls between many of the alveoli are damaged, when the patient has emphysema. This makes them lose their shape and become floppy. As the walls are completely destroyed, the patient will end up with several large alveoli, and many small

in chronic obstructive bronchitis, the airways, lining the patient constantly irritated and inflamed. lining, therefore, not thickened. thick mucus accumulates in the respiratory ways, making it difficult for the patient to breathe. majority of patients with COPD suffer from both chronic obstructive bronchitis and emphysema. In such cases, the term COPD is more accurate. How often is COPD? COPD is the fourth leading cause. death in the United States more than 12 million Americans are diagnosed with COPD health experts believe that may be another 12 million Americans who suffer from COPD, but was not diagnosed with COPD develops gradually over a long period - .. it gets worse with time. Finally, the patient believes that it is very difficult and / or can not do daily activities. man with severe COPD may not even be able lasix 7 mg to walk or train. COPD is almost always diagnosed when the patient is middle-aged and elderly people. There is no treatment for COPD. After damage the airways and lungs occurred, there is currently no how to turn it back. could be taken to slow the progression of the disease. What causes COPD? About 80% to 90% of patients with COPD because of smoking. COPD may be caused by air pollution, repeated lung infections as a child, second-hand smoke (passive smoking ) and a rare genetic disorder called alpha-1 antitrypsin. What are the symptoms of COPD? general sense of frequent chest infections (, cold, etc.)

* Some patients with COPD coughs a lot and did not not bring a lot of mucus in some patients with COPD, never to cough a lot, and when in the hospital barely produce enough sputum to cover half a teaspoon. cough with phlegm cough, and overall probably less common in those emphysema and, of course, very common in patients with chronic bronchitis, both of which fall under the umbrella of COPD. If you do not cough or bring up mucus does not necessarily mean that you are suffering from COPD. It is common for people to confuse the early symptoms of COPD with normal aging such as fatigue and shortness of breath. It is important to get yourself diagnosed if you experience any of these symptoms. How do I prevent COPD? Do not smoke. If you smoke, give up. It's never too late to quit. If I have COPD it is too late to quit smoking? It's never too late to quit smoking quit smoking will result in slowing the progression of COPD How COPD patient medications, including tablets, inhalers (yhlobryuhy) and additional oxygen >> << What is COPD - ..? video <. .

video explanation of COPD and video charts in Illumistream How COPD patients live patient diagnosed with COPD can live for a long time after diagnosis - it can depend on many factors, including?

can not reproduced without permission of Medical News Today, the first 10 ideas shown. for all views by reference. >>. <<

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